It is time for health marketing to
We are word-of-mouth communications company that empowers passionate patients and caregivers to advocate for conditions, treatment options, and providers within their social networks.
We are word-of-mouth communications company that empowers passionate patients and caregivers to advocate for conditions, treatment options, and providers within their social networks.
The Trust Issue
Fundamentally, word of mouth is about trust. We trust businesses and organizations less than ever while we trust (believe) people more than ever!
Word of mouth is independent, as the recommender has no financial interest in the sale of the product or service. And when the recommender is a patient, their independence adds credibility and persuasiveness to the recommendation.
Word of mouth is hyper-relevant: The recommender customizes the recommendation to fit the receiver’s perceived needs. No other form of marketing is as personalized, and consumers increasingly desire personalization.
Positive word of mouth saves the recipient time by giving him/her a referral and recommendation, eliminating some or all of the research needed to make a sound decision.
trust recommendations from people they know
will act based on recommendations from people they know
from a WOM recommendations vs. an advertisement.” —McKinsey
Our programs deliver results beyond the metrics (but including them). Results that mean increased awareness, dynamic ROI, treatment acceptance, user generated content and more.
HT Program delivered 150% increase in risk perception, 44% increase in disease awareness (43% to 62%) and 39% increase in treatment acceptance (51% to 71%)
HT Program delivered 1,400 advocates that generated 300,000 conversations and over 100,000 new treatments with a ROI in excess of 5>1
HT Program delivered more than 120 ratings and reviews for the client website, 500+ video and photo submissions, and over 1,200 user generated content submissions for use at product launch.
They are volunteers who share their real stories and make a real difference by helping others get to the right answer faster.
HealthTalkers are passionate customers and the single most powerful way to spread the word about you. We help you identify, engage and recognize them.
HealthTalkers like being part of a community that’s larger than themselves. They feel at home being part of a like-minded group who share their knowledge so that others can take meaningful steps to help improve their health.
Conversations connect people with one another.
When you share your story, along with facts and resources, you inspire, encourage and motivate others to make well-informed decisions about their health.
That’s why HealthTalkers make a real difference!
Powered by HealthTalkers* who have a genuine desire to help others, our movements keep members feeling connected.
HealthTalkers are educated; passionate, and informed. They are empathetic people and are motivated to pay it forward!
We activate like-minded individuals, who want to be a part of something larger than themselves, to join a movement and spread the word to the people in their community. We help them spread the word about something that matters to them.
We equip HealthTalkers with offline and online content and facts. Providing factual information to share or pass along creates an authentic structure for dialogue, empowering them to have effective, informed conversations.
We empower HealthTalkers to motivate others to learn the facts, take action, and speak with their doctor, leading to better physician-patient dialogue and increased awareness of conditions and treatment options.
If it's time for your patients to tell the story and you want to learn more about how we create compliant WOM programs in healthcare, let’s talk.
We've created compliant WOM programming for Providers, Pharma, Government, and Med Device companies. Call us!
From former healthcare marketing CEOs to brand creators, our team consists of individuals who push the envelope of what word of mouth can do. Join Us